Sunday, July 24, 2016

The growth of tourism

There are several reasons why tourism has increased over the past twenty-five years. The examiner will be looking for your ability to explain these. Here is a list of seven that you should learn:

1. More holidays.

All countries in the developing world have increased the number of holidays a person can expect to receive by law. A hundred years ago a person would be lucky to receive one day for a summer holiday - even luckier - to have this as a paid holiday.

Today, as a result of stronger economies, unions and changes in society people can expect to receive a minimum four weeks paid holiday. Inevitably if people have more time then there is a greater chance that they will use some of that time in the tourism industry. There is even more chance that they will go on holiday if they have a higher income.

More holidays

2. A smaller world.

The world is getting smaller!

It now takes just 24 hours to reach countries on the other side of the world.

The more the transport network develops and the cost of fuel drops (yes drops! Fuel is cheaper today then ever before if you take into account the increase in wages) the greater the chances to go on holiday, the greater the growth in tourism.

3. Development.

Tourists spend money - lots of it! billions  and so tourism can be developed by Governments in the developed and developing world to provide employment, earn foreign currency and diversify the economy.


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